This is actually a pretty embarrassing picture,
but Momma likes the Lion King
but Momma likes the Lion King
Here's a quick summary of what's happened in the last 6 months:
- I get to chill on my Humans' bed all the time now, and not just after my baths.
- I haven't gotten any new toys at all, because Momma thinks I have too many as it is.
- Turdley Uncle Qian is as turdley as ever. He didn't give me any of his human food.
- The Mommy Cat gave birth to ANOTHER set of kittens! Now a family of five cats - Mommy, Medium (from the previous litter), and three kittens (White Leg, Pink Nose, and Black) - have moved into our front yard.
- I barked at the Mommy Cat, and she tried to kill me!
- Momma and Pops managed to trap Mommy and Medium cats, and brought them to the vet to sterilize them. I don't know what that means, but it sounds scary.
- My ears still get stinky and icky all the time.
- Knuckles and I still get into fights a lot.
- I missed reading about your adventures a lot!