Here's a random video of me chasing Knuckles around at Aunt Jol's place. That silly Knuckles always hides under the little table, where I can't reach him!
Also, I'd like to congratulate Salinger and Pugsley because they're getting married in a rainbow union soon! Check out the invitation and the extremely cute photo of the two pugs!
Awww Monday Antics
*Some of you wondered yesterday what was the outcome of the "Mother, May
I?" game we were playing. *
*Here we were poised (and posed) at the threshhol...
8 hours ago
You guys are fun to watch play...hehe
ReplyDeleteOh my hysterical...
ReplyDeleteWe will check out the rainbow union...BOL
Benny & Lily
Ha ha , you two are so funny to watch, AND fast!!! Knuckles is pretty clever to hide under that table.
ReplyDeleteWoos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You two sure know how to have fun!
ReplyDeleteI loved the video!
Congratulations to Salinger and Pugsley!
Kisses and hugs
Woo are furry furry fast!
ReplyDeleteThanks fur sharing that great chase!
You two are having so much fun. We love playing chase too!
ReplyDeleteKnuckles is such a cheater! Come on out, Knuckles! We loved the video, Sonic!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch