Wow! I've just received a couple of awards from Toby the Guide Dog in Training, and they're awesome! First up is the Happy 101 Award.
The rules for this award are simple: You have to post up the image on your blog. List 10 things that make you happy. Do one of those things. Send this award to 10 of your friends that make you happy.
Well that's easy enough! Here are my 10 things:
1) Sniffing smelly socks
2) Getting some wind in my face during car rides
3) Cuddling up with my Momma
4) Chasing my Pops around the coffee table
5) Take a nap while snuggling GG the Giraffe
6) Getting a snack
7) Going for walkies in the Great Outside
8) Eating pork
9) Playing fetch and wrestling with Leo the Leopard
10) Dragging Ms Crab into my crate for some private time when my Humans aren't looking
The other award is the Sunshine Award.
This one has much easier rules. Just post it up on your blog, and then award it to 12 other bloggers. Oh, and you have to leave comments on their blogs to let them know they've got an award.
So to make things easier, I'll just do what Toby did and award these 2 awards to 12 dog bloggers. Here are my picks (though I'm sure many of them have already gotten these awards before, it never hurts to get more than one award), in no particular order:
1. The Thundering Herd
2. Dog Daze
3. Lorenza
4. Tank
5. The Army of Four
6. Twink
7. Bruschi
8. Santa & 9. Minnie
10. Patsy from Dragonfly Interiors
11. Maggie & Mitch the living plushies
12. Salinger the Pug
While I have your attention, I'd also like to congratulate Toby for reaching his goals before he has to return to school. If you guys helped out, then there's a big thank you for you!!!
Throwback (Tucker, Trixie, & Dennis) Thursday: Stop ― Blessing Time! Doo
Doo Doo Doo …
Pictures taken October 3, 2009, at the Blessing of the Animals at the
(Trouble the Kitty, who didn’t want to go to a stupid dog-filled event
15 hours ago