Sunday, September 27, 2009

Boo for school

School was so boring today! Pops made me go round and round in circles endlessly, and I tell you, those sausage treats tasted bland this week. What I really wanted to do was play with Uno the Cairn Terrier, but every time I went near him Pops got mad. I can't help it if I can't pay attention in class. I'm an Attention Deficit Hyperactive Dog, after all. I don't know what it means exactly, but it excuses me from a lot of things.

Still, I did get to take a sniff around in the path near. Pops taught me a new word today: pwnage! I totally pwned a bunch of plants.



A little bit of self-pwnage,
but I'm still awesome!

After school we went to my other grandma's place, and I got to take a long nap with Knuckles while Momma, Pops and Aunt Jol went for lunch. Knuckles is really getting better these days. He's not so crazy anymore and I can now manage half a chat with him without him jumping all over something or pouncing on me.  Then it was off to home, and I got to snuggle and nap with Momma in the car again. I like that a lot.

When we got home, Momma supervised Pops as he took me into that Bathroom Torture Chamber and soaked me in water and shampoo. Momma got fed up with Pops not doing it right though, but either way I still feel humiliated.

Right now Momma and Pops are watching some boring movie about a girl that cooks human food. *Yawn* I'm so tired... I'm going to curl up beside my crate and snooze.

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